Our goal is to help educate young adults who have been in foster agencies and become warded to the state, getting them ready for the future as young men and women to be mentors to someone else who may need guidance.

How We Help

Busy Butterfly Transitional Corporation is a nonprofit mentoring program aimed at helping children and young adults who are still in a foster care system who are in need of adoption and who have not been adopted due to their age, before they become too old. This program will help youths between 16 and 21 years old.

Handling Stress

The first lessons will deal with emotional support, anger, and disappointment. The goal is to help overcome these areas by having strategies put in place. These steps will allow them to learn how to cope and deal with these issues.


Rebuilding to strengthen to encourage our desire is to help these young men and women be successful. We are assisting individuals in transitioning to a successful life.

Self Worth

We will discuss HIV and AIDS and how individuals can protect themselves. We will also discuss the Dangers that exist regarding Sex Trafficking and preventing individuals from becoming vulnerable if they do not have a solid, successful support system.

Financial Stability

We will discuss the importance of establishing and building, and maintaining a remarkable credit history.

By helping the youth of today, we're also creating a different future for the future of tomorrow.

In foster care, children are typically shuffled through many homes, organizations, and institutions as they grow up. Our organization focuses on helping young adults transition and understand the world around them by providing mentorship and a family-like home to those who are in need.

Being a part of their lives and helping them grow from a young age will create a sense of purpose and belonging which is crucial to a person’s development. By providing these resources, we’re helping these young adults have a better chance at succeeding in the real world.

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